Prioritize Your Pipeline Safety with PICA Corp.

Every day, billions of gallons of water are transported within pipelines across counties and municipalities. Damage to these vital networks puts our water lines and our communities at risk. By performing regular inspections on your pipelines, you can implement essential repairs and replacements before an unexpected disaster occurs. Fortunately, PICA Corp. is here to help your operations ensure that your pipeline is in top-notch condition. Our team uses various pipeline inspection tools and technologies to guarantee reliable and accurate data so you can make informed decisions regarding your water and wastewater lines. Below we’ll discuss why performing a pipeline condition assessment is vital and how PICA Corp.’s technology-driven tools can help. Keep reading to find out more!

Why Your Pipelines Need Condition Assessment

understand the condition of your lines. That way, you can better determine the future of your pressurized assets. Thorough inspections enable owners like you to make educated decisions regarding repairs, replacements, and rehabilitation of critical water and wastewater pipelines. Without the necessary examinations, you may be missing out on essential areas that require attention before potential failures occur. At PICA Corp., our comprehensive pipeline condition assessments can determine the integrity of your pipes by utilizing the latest inspection tools and technology. 

Technology-Driven Assessments at PICA Corp.

At PICA Corp., we provide non-destructive pipeline condition assessment services across North America for municipal networks, privately owned pipelines like mining facilities, and other critical industries. Our state-of-the-art pipeline inspection technology can provide your operations with comprehensive data regarding your mains. Our team utilizes electromagnetic Remote Field Technology (RFT) to detect corrosion and other degradation. Combined with our wealth of experience, PICA Corp.’s team can ensure that you fully understand the condition of your pipes so you can make better-informed decisions regarding your mains. Inadequate pipeline condition assessment data can lead to reactive maintenance when pipes fail unexpectedly. Emergency repairs can be 10x more costly than planned repairs.

PICA strives to provide you with accurate information so you can make informed decisions regarding the condition of your pipeline. Our pipeline inspection tools are reliable and precise, so you can rest assured knowing the condition assessment of your mains is in capable hands.

Ready to Learn More?

Since the early 1990’s PICA Corp. has been an industry leader in non-destructive pipeline assessments, our team is focused on delivering accurate results by utilizing the latest technology and tools available. We are proud to partner with various industries and municipalities across North America to provide them with the data they need to address existing issues before they become significant problems.

Contact our team today for more information regarding PICA Corp.’s pipeline condition assessment services.