Are your water mains up to date with the best practices and inspection standards? With countless water line failures costing corporations millions of dollars each year, the risks of neglecting routine maintenance and inspection are far too great to ignore. For nearly 30 years, PICA Corp has been a world leader in non-destructive CCTV pipeline evaluations. Learn more about the benefits of regular inspection, as well as our services, below.
Prevention = Protection
As we mentioned above, every year, water main failures account for millions of dollars in lost productivity, reactive repair costs, private property restorations and pollution. The salt and chemicals contained in groundwater play no small part in such failures due to the corrosion they cause after prolonged contact with the pipe’s O.D. Using the right tools and staying on top of a dedicated inspection schedule conducted by a leading team like PICA’s, helps to mitigate the risk of sudden failures, promote safety, and ultimately extend the life cycle of your pipes for years to come.
PICA Corp: Your Leading Source For Inspection
Headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, PICA Corp has almost three decades of experience partnering with high profile customers throughout North America and abroad to meet a wide range of inspection needs. Our award-winning tools specialize in electromagnetic technology and are contained in flexible, pressure sealed units that can be used for the inline inspection of ferritic pipelines (ductile, cast-iron, steel and concrete pressure pipe). PICA’s equipment safely and efficiently assists with the identification of corrosion pits, graphitic corrosion, signs of erosion, cracks, and more. Our inspection services are used in a wide variety of industries, including:
- Potable water
- Wastewater
- Raw water
- Firewater
- Slurry and sludge lines
- Steel water well casings
- Saltwater disposal lines, and more.
CCTV Inspection At PICA
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspections are another valuable asset in PICAs arsenal of services and compliment the full potential of our tools. PICA’s IBAK crawlers and PTZ cameras are suited for pipes in the range of 8″ to 16″ diameter; and, for further convenience, we have modified the IBAK to be able to inspect pipes as large as 60″. For smaller pipes, PICA uses the IBAK Mini Lite push-rod camera, which provides exceptional quality that allows you to easily detect blockages, cracked pipes, joint issues and stuck valves. PICA Corp is proud to offer comprehensive inspection services that help keep your pipes safe, protect your budget, and prevent disasters before they have the chance to start.
Learn more about our CCTV inspection services by contacting our team today!