Keep your CCP Pipes Safe with PICA Corp

How to inspect CCP and PCCP Pipes properly

Need to take a closer look at both your CCP and PCCP pipelines? With both types of pipes transporting key resources like drinking and raw water, ensuring the safety and integrity of these pipelines is of paramount importance. As an industry leader for over 30 years, PICA Corp makes it easy to stay on top of assessments and develop necessary remediation plans, all thanks to the highly accurate results provided by our inspection technologies.

Learn more about the importance of inspecting your trunk lines, as well as the benefits of partnering with PICA below!

Inspection is Protection

No matter what your concrete pipes transport, the simple fact is, the costs associated with sudden failures are massive and can be deadly. Local flooding, loss of service, mud slides and loss of water pose a significant risk to your crews, the surrounding community, roadways, basements and more. Add on damage to your company’s reputation, and the picture becomes very clear: prevention is your best protection when it comes to saving time and money and guaranteeing safe operation.

Over time, despite their inherent durability, PCCP pipes are exposed to corrosive elements found in groundwater, which may eventually penetrate through protective coatings and cracks in the concrete. Groundwater may then corrode the reinforcing wires and the cylinder underneath the protective outer layer, leading to breaks and failures. Regular inspection is your best protective measure against pipe bursts and costly damages, allowing you to see beneath the surface before disaster has a chance to strike. PICA Corp conducts thorough inspections that help identify the first signs of degradation before it has the chance to progress to failure. Learn more about our tools below.

Meet RAFT and EMIT

PICA Corp is proud to partner with customers from across the globe to provide accurate and reliable inspection services on a wide range of pipelines and water mains via our range of electromagnetic Remote Field Technology (RFT). Our two main tools used for CCP and PCCP inspection are the SeeSnake RAFT (Restricted Access Flexible Tool) and SeeSnake EMIT (Electro-Magnetic Inspection Tool) devices.

SeeSnake RAFT is one of PICA’s newer additions to our state-of-the-art lineup of inspection tools. RAFT is specially designed to assess steel cylinder pipes and wires embedded in concrete pipes in a non-destructive manner and features a unique collapsible design that makes it possible to insert the device through small access ports, such as manways. RAFT is also designed to be completely self-contained, with battery power, data recording, data storage and distance tracking all integrated into the tool itself. RAFT is capable of covering approximately 2 kilometers of pipe per day in the 36″ to 60″ size range , and provides exceptionally detailed data to accurately assess the condition of your line.

SeeSnake EMIT is another recent addition to PICA’s resources, and, just like RAFT is assembled within the pipe to eliminate the need to excavate and cut into the line. The tool is completely self-contained, and is well suited to large pipes (60”-78”) that are internally lined, including AWWA C303 and C-301 Pipes.

PICA Inspection Services

With a dedication to providing exceptional, reliable, inspections, PICA Corp has built lasting relationships with multiple counties, cities, and industry leaders throughout North America. Learn more about our CCP and PCCP condition assessments by contacting us now.